As-Salamu `Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh. We pray this finds everyone well, wrapped in Allah’s mercy and steadfastly traveling the path to eternal felicity, Insha-Allah. His Eminence As-Sayyid Al-Sharif Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi from Damascus has moments ago released a public challenge to Pastor Terry Jones about Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him! Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi…
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Salafi Group in the Name of Islam destroyed the Mosque and Grave of Sayyidi Shaykh Ahmad Zarruq (Radiyallah `anhu) in Libya Aug 26 2012. Shaykh Faisal’s Lecture Series and Call to Action against Salafi Group. PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR CONTACTS. For more updates visit: Shaykh Faisal’s Facebook Page:
Shaykh Faisal’s Statement and Call to Action against Salafis In Defense & Honor of Sayyidi Shaykh Ahmad Zarruq (RA) in Libya. Khutbah Clip of Shaykh Faisal Hamid Abdur-Razak Aug 31,2012 PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR CONTACTS Salafi Group in the Name of Islam destroyed the Mosque and Grave of Sayyidi Shaykh Ahmad Zarruq (Radiyallah `anhu)…
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